School Library

Conflict is everywhere. At home, at school, at work, in the community, and at ethnic, religious, and national borders. The only way to stop such conflicts without using force (violence, military force, or power) is through communication.
In the war-torn country of Iraq, the divisions that have developed between people over years of war and conflict have become so severe that they seem irreparable. In such a situation, communication is sometimes very sensitive and complicated. There is also the "wisdom" of avoiding communication in order to avoid creating waves.
However, such a relationship can erupt into violent conflict at any moment.
In PCP's communication workshops, we focus on "sympathy" and "empathy" and use theatrical techniques to experientially learn to try to understand those with whom we feel we can never understand.
We also believe that the imagination, empathy, and other basic intellectual skills developed through reading picture books will make this conflict resolution communication more effective.
Using Japanese picture books and picture-story shows, we will introduce reading aloud to children, which stimulates their brains and nurtures their imagination, ability to think and empathy.